Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.

Insurance and Payment


Medically Assisted Treatment for Addiction: 

$325 for induction, which covers the one or two visits you need to get started with buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone, Zubsolv, etc.). Followup visits are $250, and are usually monthly. Urine drug screening is included, however if confirmatory results are needed there is a separate charge of $25 in addition to laboratory fees (covered by insurance in most cases).

 Lidocaine Infusion: $350. This covers placement of I.V. line and careful monitoring. The initial medical consultation is separate and charges are based on Medicare rates.

We are currently working on setting up with a number of health insurance companies and Medicare. Until that process is completed we will provide discounts for cash payment at time of service, and you will be given the necessary list of those services and charges  which you can  use to file with your insurance. Payment must be made at the time of service unless prior arrangements have been made.

Some of the services we provide are not covered by any insurance, for example lidocaine infusions, because they are regarded by insurance companies as "investigational".


Stephen Gibert MD
764 St Andrews Blvd
West Ashley

Charleston, SC 29407
Phone: 843-252-0775
Fax: (843) 225-0710

Office Hours

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